Ads Will Never Die

advertising times square new york

One of my biggest takeaways from this year (2022) is that short, clever ads will never die. In fact, they are gaining even more prominence as of late.

There was a brief period in time where 4-minute “viral ads” were very exciting and everyone wanted one. We would receive calls and emails frequently from potential clients who wanted the next Squatty Potty or Dollar Shave Club-style ad. This type of ad would tell a story using humorous, over-the-top dialogue and situations to keep viewers interested while selling the benefits and features of the product.

However, In recent weeks, I’ve seen two prominent “viral ad” companies in my area announce big layoffs. These viral trends come and go, but a solid 30-second ad has never gone out of style.

Cutting the Cord (Not the Commercials)

I was a very early cord-cutter. I haven’t had cable tv, satellite, or a home phone for nearly 20 years. When streaming sites like Hulu and Netflix first showed up online, I imagined I’d never pay for TV again. Remember when we thought it was going to save us so much money vs. paying a monthly cable or satellite bill each month?

Today, if you’re like me you have monthly memberships to Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Apple TV, HBO Max, and the list goes on. I’m not sure we’re saving any money at this point? Prices have continued to increase for these services year after year. Some have offered ad-supported plans in the past, but now nearly all of them will offer ad-supported plans at a cheaper monthly membership cost.

Ads for Everyone

I might be in the rare subset of people that actually like to watch ads. I enjoy the Super Bowl commercials more than the actual Super Bowl. It’s an occupational hazard.

The great thing about these ad-supported streaming options is that there are more advertising opportunities than ever before and they can be highly targeted to reach your audience.

A funny, touching, or dramatic commercial ad can make you laugh out loud, move you to tears, give you hope, or simply make you want to buy whatever they are selling just because it looks cool. Now’s the time to throw your hat in the ring with your own clever ad. We can help.


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