3 Ways To Get Out Of A Creative Rut

optical illusion

Most of us get bogged down looking at a problem the same way and feeling like this “opportunity” is disguised as a dreaded task that we can’t wait to get off of our plate. It feels like your below average work is about to set in and you’d welcome any distraction that comes your way to avoid doing it. Guess what? You’re not alone. But it also doesn’t have to be this way. Doing creative work all the time can sometimes feel exhausting to always think outside the box. We want to share 3 simple ways that help us get out of our own way and bring fresh perspectives to ignite passion when you hit a wall.

Be Curious.

One of the saddest things about growing up is we lose the ability to just be curious. Our brains are so hard wired to fix the problem or stay on task so we eliminate the ability to open our minds to just ponder. Kids are such a good example to us of how to gain back our curiosity. As adults, we make things too complicated and complex and forget the simple and obvious on the surface. 

Ask Questions.

This goes hand in hand with being curious. Sometimes the best way to find answers is by asking questions. When tasked with something we are dreading to do, most of the time we have made up our minds about how we feel about it. Instead, redirect it with questions that would make it interesting. 

Write Down All Ideas

First rule when you’re doing creative work. There are no bad ideas. Why? So many “bad ideas” have good elements that can work in another way and often can be a missing piece to make a good idea great. Brainstorming without restriction allows you to have the conversation to move ideas into better ideas. If you already had an idea that was working, you wouldn’t be struggling to come up with one. 

The hardest part of any creative work you do is starting. Most people start over analyzing instead of just putting their head down and getting to work. Use these 3 simple ways to break the creative block and start creating your next great idea. Get ready for a fresh new perspective. Still need ideas? Set up a discovery call with us today to remove the stress and get your project going.


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